Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Helpful stuff on Prostate Disease

Marc B. Garnick, a physician in our Hematology/Oncology Division, is the brains and energy behind a new quarterly publication from Harvard Health Publications entitled Perspectives on Prostate Disease. Here is an excerpt from his introductory message in the first edition:

"Few men think about their prostate gland until they develop some kind of problem. Then it may be all they can think about.

"If you have recently been diagnosed with prostate disease, you know how difficult it can be to find the in-depth and reliable information that will help you make informed choices....

"Perspectives on Prostate Disease was created to address these issues. Our mission in launching this quarterly newsletter is to provide multiple perspectives about how best to treat the most common prostate diseases -- prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and postatitis -- as well as related conditions such as erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels.

"To ensure that we provide readers with the most accurate and objective information possible, the editorial comment is devoid of any commercial bias. Perspectives is supported in part by a grant from a charitable nonprofit family foundation.... Our editorial board consists of eminent and respected Harvard and European physicians, all of whom have expertise in the disorders covered by Perspectives."

I have read through the first edition, and it is really, really good. Topics include:

  • Treat or wait?
  • When to consider active surveillance
  • A patient's story: Why one man opted for lifestyle changes instead of treatment
  • A patient's story: Why one man chose robotic-assisted laparoscopic postatectomy
  • Your benign prostatic hyperplasia medication: When to consider a change
  • Harvard experts discuss benign prostatic hyperplasia drug treatments
  • Search PubMed in five easy steps.

The next issue will include:

  • Complementary therapies for prostate disease: What works, what doesn't
  • What's new in treating erectile dysfunction
  • How to handle a relapse: Your options if a PSA tests reveals your cancer has returned.

If you are interested in subscribing, please write to :
Perspectives on Prostate Disease
PO Box 9308
Big Sandy TX 75755-9308
or telephone: 877-649-9457
or visit http://www.harvardprostatehelp.com/.


  1. It's sad that a publication which is affiliated with a reputable school has such a website. One could think it's for some sleazy ebook about getting rich fast.

  2. It is rather commercial looking, isn't it? But, I guess experience is that this is what sells subscriptions.

    The actual publication is not at all that way. It is much more restrained and professional in appearance.

  3. "You Are Invited to Accept a No-Risk Preview of a New Publication on Prostate Disease and Receive 4 FREE Gifts!"

    Will the gifts prevent prostate? No Risk!

  4. I might be behind the times (I probably am) but I still cant come to terms with a CEO blogging around healthcare. It seems so, well wierd but in a positively Linux Torvalds kinda way.

    Not sure how you can take that but thumbs up to reaching the next generation (as I am sure you cant be less than 40).

  5. I once was under 40! I almost remember what it was like . . .

  6. A note from the Publishing Director of Harvard Health Publications:

    Thank you for your note. I understand, and share your concerns about our marketing techniques. This is a topic we do not take lightly and we are constantly striving to maintain an appropriate balance. Here are my thoughts in response to some of the postings on this topic:

    Criminals use guns but is there any question whether it is appropriate for our police to also carry guns? They use them for the same reason the bad guys do – they are necessary to be effective in carrying out there mission. I’m sure most police officers would prefer not to have to use or even carry a gun.

    We’re in a bit of the same boat. What is effective for encouraging people to try a new publication is what’s effective. Publishers – upright institutions like Harvard or otherwise – are going to use these techniques because that’s what they need to do. I wish I could tell you that the Harvard name alone, as venerable as it is, was enough to cut through the chatter. It’s not. Long years of experience have shown us that more people take note when we offer additional free reports and offer a free trial issue.

    That doesn’t mean anything goes. We have limits, and they are far more conservative than even many other legitimate, institutional publishers. But, we have also found that to be effective in providing information to improve health and quality of life, you have to be heard.

    It’s a tough balancing act. I realize we may reach a different conclusion on the appropriate balancing point than you did, but that does not mean we don’t share your concern. We do.

    Thank you.

    Ed Coburn
    Publishing Director
    Harvard Health Publications
