Thursday, April 19, 2007

BlackBerry jam

As many people similarly experienced, our Information Systems Office sent out the following email message yesterday:

The RIM Company, which stands for Research In Motion, said its infrastructure failed around 8 p.m. Tuesday and was out until about 7 a.m. Wednesday. E-mails were not being pushed to portable BlackBerry devices.

Officials with RIM said they tried to reset the system and they were concerned that the backlog of data could cause a bigger problem as it rushes through now that the system appears to be online. RIM officials said messages would be sent out in stages so the system does not crash.

RIM officials recommend all who depend on their BlackBerry as a major way of communication should make some back-up plans in case more problems occur Wednesday morning.

(Of course, if you couldn't get messages on your BlackBerry, you might not receive this message, which created a problem in itself.)

I was really proud of our hospital during this national disaster. We set up our crisis center and opened emergency clinics for our doctors and administrators throughout the facility, staffed by our Psychiatry Department. Cases of withdrawal were handled expeditiously and, I am told, with a minimal use of antidepressant drugs. The maintenance staff, though, reported a surge in activity as administrative assistants requested repair of damaged walls and broken windows, at which and through which many devices were vigorously thrown. Apparently, many people never made it through the the cycle of denial, anger, and acceptance.

Ah, if they had just followed my lead months ago!


  1. Your post has borne fruit elsewhere:

  2. Hi Paul,
    I'm the Director Of Information Technology ( The DoIT )at Village Shalom in Overland Park, KS. We had a problem around the same time RIM did in that we were under a spam attack of around 11,000 spam e-mails an hour along with several other sites here in the mid-west. E-mails were delayed by hours and 5% of them didn't go though at all. I thought life may have come to an end as upset our users were. The PBX went down for several hours one day and They didn't get that upset.
    I guess things have changed over the years.

    Gary Harmon
    Director of IT
    Village Shalom
