Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I have linked at right to a blog I just learned about, Corazón Hispano. Here is a note from the author, Juan Jose Rivera, in response to a comment I left:

Saludos from Corazon Hispano blog. Thank you for your comment. It is very important for me that Hispanics have access to essential and practical prevention information. We represent the minority group in the US with the highest percentage of uninsured individuals. A significant number of Hispanics have access to the Internet, but not to a primary doctor.

He provides personal information on his profile:

Pertenezco al departamento de Cardiología de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins en Baltimore, Maryland. Además de mis obligaciones clínicas, me dedico a realizar investigación en el área de prevención cardiovascular. También escribo una columna mensual para el periódico médico nacional estadounidense Today in Cardiology.

This blog is very well written and quite informative. I hope you will pass it along to friends and associates.

1 comment:

  1. An amazing doctor, public service leader, and writer-Dr. Rivera is an invaluable contributer to the Hispanic and healthcare community.

    Yianni Garcia
