Wednesday, January 02, 2008

First 2008 baby in Boston

A friendly competition among hospitals each year. Let's do our best to make it a good year for all the new arrivals!


  1. Very, very sweet story. Thanks.

  2. We have delivered 2 children at your hospital (and sadly have also had 2 D&C's). I came across your site on a few occasions and today wanted to take the opportunity to share some rather inconsequential feedback in the grand scheme of things. However, given what I read here it seems that you seem very engaged in the patient experience so I thought I should share. During our most recent C-section back in October of 2007 I discovered that supplies on the post-partum floor were more closely guarded than the infants themselves! I was discouraged from getting diapers/wipes/bottles myself and when I did ask for supplies they were handed out as if we were rationing during a time of war. I finally relented and simply brought in my own supplies since I had to go up to the desk nearly 3 times a day. From what I understand people stockpile/steal supplies and I understand that is a reality. I wasn’t particularly upset, but it was somewhat annoying (and humorous) that getting some size 1 diapers was an infinitely more difficult task than gaining access to the floor itself! In any event, I just thought I’d share and I hope all is well.

  3. Thanks, I'll check it out.

  4. ..and just to make sure people are not left with the wrong impression by your humorous comment, please rest assured that our procedures for baby security are much, much stronger!

  5. Paul

    Do you ever worry about the medical necessity of a C-section that just happens to help BIDMC deliver the first baby of the year?


  6. Oh please. This is a light-hearted "competition". No one would ever act in the way you suggest for the purposes of "winning."
