Saturday, January 12, 2008

Whither thou goist I shall go

Back to our more interesting and important week's topic of helping others and giving back. Please read this lovely story by Irene Sage in today's Boston Globe about Ruth Adomunes, a BIDMC staff member who is helping to build a school in Haiti by making and selling bracelets.

I like the final paragraph: Wherever Adomunes goes, she carries a large tote bag filled with bracelets. "This is my portable store," she says. "If someone says, 'Do you have any bracelets?' 'Yes, I do.' "


  1. A heart-warming story for sure. One person can really make a difference! I'm looking forward to seeing her Web page up and running.

  2. This is fabulous! Is there a link to the website so people can purchase?

  3. Dunno. I'll ask Ruth.

  4. To answer, the website is under construction at present.

    I also received a phone call from a Board Member from Maine Medical Center. She wanted to buy a bracelet for herself and told me how impressed she was that I worked at the BIDMC and the PACU's involvement. I told her how fortunate I was to work with such an outstanding group. She told me there was a Board Meeting Thursday and wanted to know if I would be interested in talking. She is planing to share the story with the Board and asked for a few bracelets to show! I told her I would be happy to talk. She thinks this as a wonderful avenue to raise money for the hospital! Thank you for your support and interest. Have a Great Day!!Ruth

  5. I nominate this entry as "best use of a biblical passage while telling a story about someone named Ruth!"
