Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Several months ago, we hired some new people and reassigned some other folks to become "greeters" at the various entries to our hospital. Their job, as the name implies, is to be available to help people find their way in the hospital, including escorting them as necessary to find the right place in our 2 million square feet of space. No, we do not get paid for this from the insurance companies or Medicare or Medicaid. It is simply designed to help people and make them feel more comfortable and welcomed.

I just received this nice note from one of our research staff folks after a meeting we held about improving the patient experience here:

Here is one small thing that I think we are doing extremely well. I’m often in the atrium of the Shapiro building, and every day I see the staffers in their maroon blazers helping patients with questions and giving directions. It’s the small things that make a big difference. Just yesterday I saw a woman entering in the Binney Street entrance on crutches who was immediately greeted and asked if she would like a wheelchair. She seemed very surprised at the offer, but seemed to be grateful for it. It stuck with me all day; she got not more than three steps into the hospital and she was already being cared for. I see things like that all the time now and I’m certain that patients, visitors, and other BIDMC staff do as well.


  1. Please work on your employee's telephone skills. I am really, really tired of trying to schedule an appointment with people who are so bored at work they can't help but let your know you're barely being tolerated.

    If I'm scheduling an appointment for a cancer screening, I'd really rather not feel I'm dealing with Best Buy.

  2. Most of our folks do not act that way, but if you encounter it, please send me a note giving the date and time of day so we can follow up and give people helpful feedback.

  3. The greeters are wonderful. Smiling, looking out to help, being proactive, just great. I love walking into work each morning through the Farr lobby being greated by a smile and a good morning! Such a small thing, such a great improvement. Thanks

  4. I share the enthusiasm about the job the greeters are doing. One day I saw one of the greeters from the East main lobby who had run all the way out to the traffic light to catch a couple that she was apparently worried had headed the wrong direction. They looked frail and tentative, and seemed so pleased that she'd headed them off. It was powerful to see.
