Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some ads I get

Notwithstanding our excellent spam control program, I get tons of broadcast emails sent to me as CEO of a hospital, selling all kinds of services -- but especially services related to coding patient treatments to get the highest payment from insurers and Medicare. I suppose this is just a sign of the times and indicative of the structure of the health care industry.

I confess that I do not understand many of these ads. I'm not saying that I don't understand why I get them. I am saying that I literally don't understand most of the terminology. Here are some excerpts from a small sample of those I received yesterday. I guess the one I really need is the last one listed . . .

Billing Success Secrets -- Live audio conference

In Dec. 2007, UnitedHealthcare adopted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits -- but not all of them. And for you pediatric coders out there who aren't familiar with CCI edits, that's not all. The insurer has also interpreted CCI bundles and extrapolated CMS' rationale to apply to additional codes. And as anyone knows who's dealt with CCI edits before, the system it is vital for proper payment and anti-fraud protection.
Get up to speed on how UHC is bundling your services during this can't-miss audioconference with expert speaker Jennifer Godreau, BA, CPC. In one hour, she'll uncover which common pediatric services UHC bundles, when the payer allows a modifier to override the edits, and other reimbursement policies.

Red Flags That Could Lead the Feds Right to Your Door

Physicians and Practice Managers: Do you live in fear of the day the Feds march through your front door, ask your staff to step away from their desks, and seize all your computers and practice records? If an indictment follows, you could be in for the fight of your life.
Fraud accusations don't just happen to criminals. They can, and DO happen to honest, upstanding physicians ... just take it from speaker and expert witness Barbara Cobuzzi, MBA, CPC-OTO, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPC-I, CHCC. In this one-hour audioconference, Barbara will share shocking real-life scenarios that took unsuspecting physicians by surprise. Find out why they were accused, how they defended themselves, and what they could have done differently so that you can prevent this from happening, or if it does happen, optimize YOUR practice's defenses.

Esophogeal Dilation CPT Code Surprises

Error-proof esophageal coding requires a solid understanding of dilation procedures and the nuances of medical necessity. In just one hour, certified gastroenterology coder Carol Pohlig will teach you everything you need to know about esophageal dilation coding: from the reasons for the dilations to the techniques and their CPT codes.

Career Step

Become a leader in the coding industry by being certified as a Professional Coder. Let our AAPC certified instructors help you get prepared to pass the American Academy of Professional Coders' CPC® Exam with flying colors. It is as simple as it sounds! CPC® Training Camps are small intensive preparation courses. You will get one-one instruction from our AAPC certified presenters. There are only 10 limited spots available. It is first come, first serve so reserve your spot today.

1 comment:

  1. Coding is a huge problem. It's NEVER correct and I appreciate your work in changing old world hospitalistics.
