Monday, October 20, 2008

MITSS auction on line

If you cannot attend the fund-raising gala for MITSS (Medically Induced Trauma Support Services) on November 6, you can still participate in the auction. Go to this website and start bidding! This is an excellent cause, and now might be just the right moment to get a good deal on some Red Sox tickets.


  1. > now might be just the right moment to get a good deal on some Red Sox tickets.

    THANKS, bub. My immune system just sustained a blow when you said that. :)

  2. Hi Paul, My former husband of 15 years is (a neurologist and will be there). But what about me? As an RN, BSN, I'm out of a job and don't have 2 quarters to my name. MITSS is a worthwhile cause but what about me, jobless and nearing homelessness in the USA?
