Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here's who's following and how

It has been just over a week since I joined Twitter, and I noticed that there are already over 250 people following me. I didn't understand how that happened so quickly, so I posted the following query:

Who are all these people following me? Curious. Pls send a note how you found me.

The answers are a fascinating display of the spider web of filaments that is represented by social media. Here's a sample:

Not sure! When I passed on something from your blog to @healthblawg (David Harlow), I think I ran your name through an index.

Hi! I'm a Social Work Intern @ BIDMC in the CVPR. Barbara Sarnoff talks abt your blog so I checked it out!

Hi Paul, Ralf Lippold mentioned on that you are also on twitter.

I've followed your blog for over a year now, share it with my top management as best example of CEO blogging.

I'm an administrative fellow & your blog has been quite helpful to me. Here's mine: http://blog.michaelmillerjr.

I'm a regular reader of your blog (keep it up - great stuff). When you said you were on twitter . . . of course I'd follow!

Twitter from yr blog. Blog I forget, but close to first post.

I picked up your twitter from your blog.

I'm a healthcare reporter writing an article about twitter. I'm curious how twitter complements your blog. Is it useful?

I work in healthcare IT, your blog is in the healthcare bundle in the new google reader update

Via dmscott. I'm an interactive creative director we do creative for health care marketing.

I work at Microsoft and my customers are mostly healthcare providers; I follow leaders in this space to know whats on their minds.

I found you reading about HealthCare IT Standards; been reading your CIOs geekdoctor blog several months! Love the transparency!

Hi Paul, found you here. Looking forward to your perspective on things. (I work in a lg hospital in NJ)

I found you because I follow @kevinmd, @doctoranonymous, etc; I'm chronically ill & have chat for chronically ill.

I found you via @dmscott. I found your blog a year or so ago by accident.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, it's been TWO weeks. Thy natal tweet:

    Engage with Grace: Several dozen bloggers in the health care field and beyond are today engaged in a bl.. 12:07 AM Nov 27th from twitterfeed
