Friday, January 16, 2009

It's voting time

If you have not already, please take the time before Sunday night to vote for the best medical blogs in several categories at There are so many good ones that you will have a hard choice. I nominated a few, including Life as a Healthcare CIO (vote here), Beating Social Anxiety (vote here), Notes of an Anesthesioboist (vote here), and Scan Man's Notes (vote here).

I want to tell you about a particular one, though, that is also very compelling. It is called Running for My Life: Fighting cancer one step at a time and is in two categories, Best Literary Medical Blog and Best Patient Blog. Here's a summary from my friend Margaret Pantridge:

The blogger is my close friend Ronni Gordon, a 54 year-old journalist and mother of three from South Hadley, who was diagnosed in 2003 with Acute Myeloid Leukemia after feeling unaccountably winded by a 10K road race. She has relapsed and is currently stuck in the hospital awaiting her fourth bone marrow transplant on January 30. Ronni has been plagued by headaches, a fever and - needless to say -- worry. But she continues to write her eloquent blog, describing in unflinching detail the difficult treatments, her roller-coaster emotions and the unusual lifestyle cancer imposes upon those it strikes.

As she puts it, "This blog is about falling down and getting up, coping and coming back." Though a bit bashful about her nomination, Ronni is getting a kick out of it. As friends check in with her and her vote total climbs, she is enjoying a pleasant distraction from platelet counts and transfusions. Would you mind casting a vote for Ronni? She has the best chance in the Literary category, where there are fewer nominees, but I hope you'll consider voting for her in the Patient category as well.

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