Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Glad to be an alumnus

Thanks to Professor Ernst Berndt for inviting me to address his class, "Economics of the Health Care Industries," at MIT's Sloan School of Management tonight. There were lots of great questions from the group of graduate and undergraduate students. In fact, the level of questioning made me thankful that I went to college years ago and did not have to compete against this group for admission to the 'Tute!


  1. It was wonderful to have you come and speak to our class yesterday, Mr Levy. I especially enjoyed the discussion around electronic medical records. Thank-you!

  2. Thanks again for coming to the Economics of the Health Care Industries class today -- it was really interesting and brought up a lot of things I never even considered in hospital care. Your blog is also great!

    The HHI was brought up during the discussion and only the Herfindahl part was confirmed. Well, I'm sitting here reading for my strategy class and lo and behold, a reference: Hirschman-Herfindahl Index. Poor Hirschman!
