Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On the air with Dan Rea at WBZ

I just returned from an hour-long radio show with Dan Rea, host of a talk radio program called Night Side on WBZ radio here in Boston. The topic was the budget and personnel issues at our hospital, and the fact that many employees are willing to make personal sacrifices to help reduce layoffs and adverse impacts on lower wage workers. As always, Dan was thoughtful and polite, and several callers to the show likewise had interesting observations and question.

I ran into two others in the studio. One was Charlie, seen sleeping above. Dan reassured me that he often sleeps during the show, and that it was not a reflection of my answers to his questions.

The other was Jon Keller, a political reporter with the affiliated TV station. I have known Jon for years, dating back to his days as a cub reporter. He reminded me of an interview we did back in the late 1980s, when I was running the local water and sewer system. It was being broadcast at about 6pm. His question was, "Can you please explain what sludge is?" My reply, "Do you really want me to answer that question while people are enjoying their supper?"

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