Friday, July 24, 2009

"My mother was smiling"

This is a really well done segment from WCVB, Channel 5, regarding end-of-life care. Maureen Bisognano of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, who appears in the video, is one of the nation's health care quality leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. This is my primary clinical interest.

    I thought they did OK touching on the key issues with that spot.

    The subject really needs a 30-minute treatment, repeated several times, across all channels.

    But I guess it's a start.

    I find the booklet, The Five Wishes to be a very useful tool to help people have the important conversations.

    I'd like to think that our culture's turn to quality end of life care will be driven by humanitarian values and broader ethics, but if it takes a focus on money to make it happen at the policy level - well, you dance with the folks who brought you to the dance, eh?
