Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In memoriam: A. Stone Freedberg

Last April, A. Stone Freedberg, the former chairman of Cardiology at the Beth Israel Hospital, celebrated his 100th birthday with a special concert at Symphony Hall. I sadly report that he passed away yesterday at 101.

Warren Manning, one of our cardiologists, notes that Dr. Freedberg did extensive research in cardiac physiology, especially with regards to thyroid disease (working with George Kurland and others) with a long bibliography. Read, too, this fascinating story about him from the New York Times. After he retired from the BI, he served as the Harvard Medical School student physician for nearly 2 decades. Warren notes that "his mind was razor sharp" until the very end. He will be missed by many.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, too, that my mind would be considered "razor sharp" to the very end.
