Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recognizing talent

A story from a former BIDMC staffer:

I sent my niece, her husband and their 8 year old William (my great nephew and godson) to his first Sox game at Fenway today. A man a few rows in front of them got hit by a foul and the BIDMC medical team sprang into action. William (who I say is gifted) said, "Hey mama look, those guys have the same logo as Auntie Michelle has on stuff at her house...are they special, too?"

Yes, William, they are.


  1. William is certainly observant and perceptive. Too bad the man dodging the foul wasn't as gifted.

  2. It's interesting because my kid, even before she could read, recognized everything by logos/colors. Cereal boxes, car makes, you name it; she correctly categorized them. Being left brained, I had never paid any attention to logos. Who says advertising doesn't work?!


  3. Caught in the FaceSeptember 18, 2009 8:01 PM

    I was the man who caught that foul in the face and it turned out to cause a serious skull fracture (LeFort I). I can't say enough about the responsivness and professionalism of the Beth Israel Fenway crew (including Cindy, who also happened to also be my pre-op nurse at BI today).

  4. It was a pleasure to care for him! He had just stood up to do the 7th inning wave, so his son was not on his lap(PHEW) the foul ball got him square in the face, left the stitches imprint on his glasses and his skin. Our ER attending physician was first on the scene as he was an eye witness in close proximity(we have medical staff strategically located around the PARK). We settled his bloody face in First Aid and put him in an ambulance with his family to the BIDMC ER. YES, the Sox went on to win! The Red Sox sent him a goodie bag when the game was completed! We were sending him to the OR Being the same nurse to prepare him for his surgery at 6am Friday was full circle continuity of care. He of course was nervous, I told him and his wife they now have a well established connection to a great Mediical center (BIDMC). I checked on him in the PACU around 10 30 and he looked comfortable.
    He will be bruised and in pain, but then again so is Kevin Youkilis so he is in good company.

  5. Thank God "caught in the face" is ok. And thank God for the great staff at BIDMC!
