Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Marshfield High School @ BIDMC

Students from Marshfield High School visited BIDMC yesterday for brief holiday concerts in several of our public spaces. Thanks to them for taking the time and gracing our halls! (If you cannot view the embedded video here, follow this link to YouTube.)


  1. So you did film them! I wasnt sure if you were just filming or taking a pic. They were AMAZING. Loved having a front row seat right at the desk :)

  2. Hi Paul,

    I'm a student at BU School of Public Health, and another student and I worked together to create a video PSA to promote awareness for the Consumer Health Quality Council (http://hcfama.org/consumercouncil), a coalition dedicated to advocating for high quality, safe, and accessible health care for all Massachusetts residents. Our contact at Health Care for All told us that you had expressed interest in HCFA before, and so I wanted to reach out to share the video with you.

    YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9K-E6jkv-k
