Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hope and Monique visit with Emily

I have written before about this wonderful new book for young women. It has received a nice review from the Washington Post. An excerpt:

Gynecologist Hope Ricciotti and health writer Monique Doyle Spencer have produced this guide for women in their late teens, 20s and 30s to steer them away from what they call the "Favorite Four" sources of health (mis)information: best friends, Mom, magazines and the Internet.

Now you get to hear and see the authors discuss it on Emily Rooney's Greater Boston Show on WGBH-TV.

If you can't see the video, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, is it true that a lot of people would be more likely to go to the doctor if they didn't have to get weighed??

    Do people today (especially women, I guess) have such massive body / self-image issues that they don't want to be in touch with reality??

    In participatory medicine we say "How can patients participate if they don't have the data their doctors have?" It's a whole other discussion if patients don't want to know anything. That would be a scary level of ignorance, si?

    Funny: you mentioned the classic Our Bodies, Ourselves, whose 13th edition is in development. Before that book women were mostly not allowed to know about their bodies. Has much of society regressed to where young women don't want to know?
