Friday, June 04, 2010

Good work!

Here is a link to a story by Nancy Snyder, CEO of Commonwealth Corporation. Please watch the two videos (embedded below) about the personal impact of a job training and advancement program we are running with Children's Hospital Boston, New England Baptist Hospital and Bunker Hill Community College. It is made possible by an innovative and thoughtful program funded by Governor Deval Patrick's administration.

This is a great example of a public-private partnership that advances the lives of workers in the health care field.

Congratulations to all the new graduates!

If you can't view the videos, click here.


  1. This is a WONDERFUL idea - not only for the students, but for the hospitals! There is indeed a desperate national shortage of trained laboratory personnel. Although this shortage actually exceeds that in nursing, it receives less attention because lab workers are not as visible to patients or other hospital personnel. Many training programs have closed due to financial constraints. Kudos to Mass for simultaneously providing for job advancement and enhancing patient care.

    To clarify the end of the first video, Mr. Taabazuing is looking forward to additional schooling to become a medical technologist (MT) - a four year B.S. degree, as opposed to the MLT (medical laboratory technician), A.A. degree discussed here.

    nonlocal (pathologist) MD

  2. Dominic TaabazuingJune 04, 2010 10:28 AM

    From: Dominic Taabazuing,
    I would love to thank Beth Israel Hospital and all the other networks that contributed to the success of this program.We are blessed with this opportunity and support everyone has presented us with.Also special thanks to the highly professional staff in Blood Bank,Hematology,Microbiology and Chemistry. The training we received from our soon to be fellow co-workers was excellent making them the true unsung heroes.
