Monday, August 23, 2010

A heart-starting app

Thanks to ePatient Dave for sending me this link on Bodyshock The Future, containing the following story about The video follows:

Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen has built an emergency Augmented Reality display that allows you to look through your mobile phone's camera view and locate the nearest automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) located in a public place. It's the first independent database of AEDs in the world operated by an Academic Hospital. Data is collected by crowdsourcing and validated on-site by The Dutch Red Cross. Besides augmented reality also iPhone, Android and iPad apps are provided free. Focus is now Netherlands, soon broadened to Europe and then Global. Also, as an academic hospital, research is part of it of course. Coverage, usage, outcome etc.

Click here if you cannot view the video.

Overview AED for you English version from UMC St Radboud on Vimeo.


  1. That is a great post and right now we are just sitting on the edge of mobile technology ready to explode, that is if we are ready to use it:)

    Anything augmented as such is going to grow by all means. I have had my own little campaign going with using 2 and 3 D bar coding for FDA recalls too, which we need desperately. I started with one post and it just makes sense to keep it going with every recall that comes out.

    We have only been waiting since 2004 for the FDA to do something and the idea has been a huge hit on Twitter, costs the consumer nothing but time to download the free software on their Blackberry, iPhone, Windows Mobile device and you have a scanner.

    After reading a couple posts where patients were implanted with devices that had been recalled, and were missed from being removed from the hospital inventory, this made sense to me. All hospitals and outpatient surgery centers don't have an RFID system to find them and the bar codes can be combined with them too, and you never run out of scanners (cell phones.

    It would help the DEA find counterfeit and stolen drugs and give the FDA a program to help run and monitor compliance. I had one mother who had to check on 7 J and J products who tweeted she sure could have used this to check the over the counter medications too.

    As a side note, this technology through a gateway is being developed to use to simply scan a bar code and import right into your HealthVault or Google Health PHR too as well as a working authentication for e-prescribing too.

    Here's the link on how that started out and the encrypted gateway used with it with a reference to Dr. Halamka's blog, one of the best on the web with him being such as hands on genius with such a wealth of information.

    I have had doctors telling me how much they like using it with Golf magazine to see videos on how to improve their swing so why not make it useful for saving lives and safe drugs:) One major drug company is looking at the idea and General Mills has some on their food products.

    The key factor for all of us in mobile technology I think comes back to asking ourselves are we ready for it as it can be lifesaving in many areas. Last and I think best of all mobile technology shows value to the consumer and recognizes what it does and in turn gets people involved in their healthcare as the phone with information it sends quickly gets people involved,

    I have fun just showing people how it works with printing a couple of my own codes on a paper and scanning:) The tags could be programmed to go right a website with maps too so the possibilities are open. The one application I like is making a bar code with your phone number on it, point & scan and the phone dials up the number:)

  2. Dear Paul,

    Thanks for blogging about our AED project. We've gained the support of the Dutch Red Cross already, so it is getting more and more a joined effort. So through technology we find new ways to improve Health directly and indirectly.

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

    Lucien Engelen
    Health 2.0 Ambassador Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
    @zorg20 on Twitter
