Sunday, October 31, 2010

Real help in setting up an ACO

I highly recommend this video, which contains the most comprehensive advice for those wanting to set up an Accountable Care Organization. (If you cannot see the video, click here.)


  1. How did you know that there are docs at our hospital that want to set up an ACO from scratch this coming Friday?

  2. Spot on! I entered the health care field 10 years ago after trying out several different careers. The Hospital I worked for ranked #1 out of all in the degree of endless meetings that accomplished nothing and they behaved as if it was business as usual, scary. I was shocked at their waste of valuable resources on a daily basis.

  3. You have inspired me to go into healthcare administration...

  4. When you factor in the subspecialty language for cardiology, oncology and nephrology that I believe is incorporated in the new healthcare laws, the ACO discussions get a little more difficult. At the end of the day, if providers can provide data that show evidence-based medicine and associated care outcomes are good for patient care, and there are savings relaized, payers should applaud the process and reward the innovators.

  5. Thanks Paul,

    Finally someone with sufficient anatomy...and NOT follow the lemmings. I am a devotee of population health, where there is real shared responsibility and accountability for the management of health across an entire market/ community/population. By the way, that includes patients, too. However, even as a consultant I continue to be amused, if not befuddled, by so many who simply can't take a pass on the koolaid (whether selling or consuming). Thanks for adding a touch of humor and a fist of reality to the debate.
