Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Dancing with the Safety Stars

#IHI Speaking of fun videos to promote safety, here's one produced by the folks at the Carondelet Health. Thanks to Scott Kashman, CEO of St. Joseph Medical Center, for reminding us that you don't need the resources of Universal Studios to produce an engaging, helpful guide for your staff. As he notes on his blog:

There was great participation in the making of the video, and while it's entertaining, it also carries serious reminders about the importance being safe in the care we provide to our patients. It is played to Men Without Hats' popular 80's song, Safety Dance.

If you cannot see the video, click here.


  1. Looks like they had a lot of fun making that. Let's see how you can lead that one, Paul.


  2. Line dancing on an escalator? Seems like hospital workers just want to have more fun.

  3. Georgetown MSHSA StudentDecember 07, 2010 8:06 AM

    I was so excited to see my hometown hospital featured on Paul Levy's blog. Notice the frame with the volunteers. St. Joseph has tapped into the community and developed excellent volunteer support like no other hospital in the city. They make a critical difference in the patient experience. It's just like St. Joe's to include them in something like this.

  4. I also enjoyed the video, but I feel compelled to comment about the physician giving a verbal order to the nurse for Pepcid when he is standing right next to the chart! This just adds another possibility for error in the whole process.

  5. Wonderful!!! High Energy! Positive way to spread the word!!
    Love to see this creative approach to increasing awareness of patient safety.
