Thursday, July 14, 2011

Noting this blog

Many thanks to the folks at the Blogger Team for designating this blog as yesterday's "Blog of Note." A warm welcome to all new readers.


  1. congratulations, sir.
    your blog is a pleasure to read.

  2. stumbled upon your blog while "trying" to start my own-of course it was under "Blog of Note". Very insightful reading. As a clinical laboratory scientist (FORMER director) I applaud your commitment to healthcare, there are a lot of "issues" in our hospitals and most owners push the staff to make money, not take care of patients (hence why I resigned). Good job on finding another avenue for people to be aware of the current system of healthcare!

  3. Great blog here. The only thing I really know about healthcare is from Scrubs, so I really looking forward to reading your posts.

    By the way, check out my blog! Cheers.

  4. Nice blog. Learned a good amount since i havent been in a hospital since age 5! (almost 20)

  5. Found your blog in the blogs of note piece. I'm new to blogging but have just started mine - I'm writing a book, you may know a few people who may wish to participate. Thanks for your time!
