Friday, August 05, 2011

IHI reaches out to middle managers

I remain impressed with the ability of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to reach out to various sectors of the health care world and offer useful, affordable, and accessible curricula on quality, safety, and process improvement.  Here's an example, a program designed for middle managers:

A 9-Month Professional Development Program
Begins October 6, 2011

As the link between senior leadership and the front lines, middle managers serve a vital role in converting strategic goals into action. Turning high-level goals into results requires a strong foundation in improvement, yet unfortunately, few opportunities exist for managers to formally acquire the skills necessary to accomplish this.

To meet this need, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is pleased to offer Leading Quality Improvement: Essentials for Managers, a virtual professional development program. Over the course of nine months, expert faculty will teach participants the requisite improvement skills to meet their organizations’ goals of demonstrably better outcomes, safer care, and reduced costs.

For more information, or to enroll, please visit our website.

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt about the veracity of their quote:

    "As the link between senior leadership and the front lines, middle managers serve a vital role in converting strategic goals into action."

    I know this wasn't the purpose of your post, but I feel duty-bound to point out that, in the majority of cases, it is the middle managers who know more about this than the CEO's and are pleading at conferences for help in assisting their own senior leadership to 'get it'.

    Perhaps techniques for bringing the senior leadership into the fold should be part of this course.

