Thursday, September 01, 2011

Quick, e-Patient Dave needs your vote

Here's a worthwhile and time-sensitive assignment for those of you who are fans of E-Patient Dave and his message of patient empowerment.  He is seeking to be a presenter at the 2012 South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas.  But he needs votes to get chosen, and by tomorrow!

It takes a few steps to be eligible to vote, but you and I know that the audience will be happy he was chosen for this conference.  Go to Dave's post here to learn how.

And thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Go DAVE! You are among the few of us actually cool enough to make the grade.

    As an insider (and former Austin native) may I try to explain? For those who do not know about SXSW - it is TED without Silicon pretension. In a way that only Austin, and perhaps Portland, can, SXSW manages to corral the energy and skepticism of young intelligence with that of a more care-worn generation, who are still determined to pioneer.

    Leave your degrees, pedigrees and tie at the door, if you dare. The music and ideas will make you feel years lighter, and you'll be surprised at what the rest of the West is thinking about.
