Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Blog roll revisions and invitation

Attentive readers will note two changes in my list of blog links (to the right.)  First, I have moved blogs related to Lean process improvement into the "Transparency" category.  The two are so interrelated that it made sense to combine them.  If you write a blog about Lean, I would be happy to consider it for inclusion.  Just offer it in a comment below.  Also, if you are part of a hospital association, hospital, or other organization that is strongly committed to transparency and have a website or a blog about that, please let me know in a comment below.

Second, I have updated several other blogs to indicate a "dormant" status.  These are blogs that have been officially closed by their writer or are otherwise inactive but have a wealth of information and interesting points of view that still deserve reading.  An example is Mike Sevilla's Dr. Anonymous.  (Mike is now over at Family Medicine Rocks, where he offers a slightly different perspective on things.)  Another is Lester Leung's Apollo, MD, which gave us a travelogue in his journey from pre-med to the beginning of residency.


  1. Hi Paul, Would love it if you included my blog on the list: healthcareperformance.blogspot.com
    I write about improving outcomes in healthcare, developing performance improvement tools, and implementing patient safety systems. Thanks for everything you have done for the movement, Regards, Apurv

  2. Hi Paul,
    Based on your wonderful example I started a blog yesterday called Critically Ill: How do we cure health care?
    I have two entries, but plan to continue. The first is on campaigning for quality and safety and the second on the push model of health care.
    You may not remember me but I met you when you spoke in Don Berwick's Harvard College course.
    Thank you for all that you are doing.
    Web address is http://criticallyillhealthcare.blogspot.com/

  3. You might consider http://dailykaizen.org/ for a lean blog - on of the blogs from Group Health Cooperative about our lean adventure (don't you hate the wrod "journey"?)

  4. Thank you, Dr. Fred. You're up! Well done!

    And thanks, Matt, too. I prefer "adventure," too!
