Friday, February 24, 2012

Goal Play! is now available on Barnes and Noble

Goal Play! is now available on Barnes and Noble, in addition to Amazon, and, of course, the original Createspace.

If you prefer to buy it at your local bookstore, tell them that they can order it through Ingram and other standard bookstore distribution channels.

If you want your local library to carry it, tell them that they can buy it through the traditional library distribution channels.

For those who are wondering about a Kindle version, that is coming soon.  We are currently in the process of formatting the book for that medium.


  1. Congratulations and thanks for your thoughts and lessons from the years of great experience!

    We all do really appreciate it,

  2. Can't get it in the UK at present and when tried to order via any of the US sites the delivery time quoted is April!!


  3. Oh no! Maybe they object to "soccer field" instead of "pitch" in the title! :)

    I'll work on it. Thanks for the head's up.

    Send me your email here (I won't print it) and we can figure out something for you.
