Friday, February 17, 2012

Goal Play! is now on Amazon

It is here.

Meanwhile, thanks to Bryant University Professor Michael Roberto for this review of the book on his blog, and also to Professor David P. Boyd, Professor of Management at Northeastern University and past Dean of the business school, for this one:

Levy persuasively portrays the idea of a leader as coach, as a steward of purpose who secures collaboration and commitment through a culture of trust.  His insights on leadership are applicable in any work setting.  The book is invaluable in furthering organizational success; not only does it address the role of the CEO, but it guides the leader in development of all organizational members.
As the chapters sequentially unfold, Levy scopes out a concurrent learning process for an institution as well as the individuals who comprise it.  As coach the CEO proposes a format for inquiry but not a prescription for outcomes.  Empathy and expressed trust imbue members with a sense of accountability.  This is a book replete with insight–and one of its key tenets is that truly wise leaders will recognize the wisdom of others. 

Levy expounds on the paradox that less can be more. A coach diffuses leadership and develops people. By protecting team members from organizational rain, the coach allows them to own the solutions that they are so well positioned to uncover.   Transparency trumps tribalism, and the blame game is jettisoned in the quest for betterment.  Beyond a culture of civility and collegiality, Levy calls for one of candor where recognition is conferred on those who “call out” problems.  Levy profiles the role of a leader in creating a productive, values-based organization where those on the front line assume ownership for problem solutions.

Levy draws on the compelling leadership lessons he has distilled from “coaching” in the public sector, in educational and medical administration, and in soccer leagues.  Across these respective domains, he shows a common denominator for team success.  In the process Levy shows his familiarity with the literature and at the same time makes theory relevant through his abundant use of compelling encounters.


  1. Paul, I just ordered your book from Amazon. I cannot wait to begin reading it. Thank you!

  2. Kindle version please. Thanks.

  3. Coming soon, Tom. It takes a while to redo the formatting and such. I'll announce when it is available. Thanks!
