Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Food matters to patients, and others!

Thanks to Julia Robarts for reminding us that today is National Registered Dietitian Day; a day to give kudos to the nutrition experts who work to improve the health of the public.

She says:

If you know any RDs (besides me), give them a hug, a high five, or a thumbs up. They deserve it! If you’re curious to see what the career path for an RD looks like, check out this link at the website for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics!

This is a great profession, and I always enjoyed getting to know the dedicated young people who participated in our dietetic intern program at BIDMC.  They were engaged and involved with patients and loved to learn and serve (in both senses of the word.)


  1. Paul, I so appreciate you re-posting this. It was a pleasure to work with you at BIDMC! Thank you for the shout out for National RD Day!

  2. It is National Pi Day too!
