Saturday, June 09, 2012

A friendly little robot

It is class reunion time at MIT, and as part of my 40th (eek!), we had a short visit with one of the robot researchers at the Media Lab.  Here's a short video with an explanation from a student named Florian about a friendly little robot.  (Click here if you cannot see the video.)

Among the alumni geeks present was health care's favorite patient advocate, e-Patient Dave deBronkart (seen here with William Roberts, Principal Research Scientist at Battelle, Columbus).  At our 35th reunion, Dave was just able to attend after his run-in with kidney cancer.  Now . . . well let's just say he participated fully in the celebrations.


  1. Go, Dave! I still remember the story where you reacted to his revelation that he had metastatic renal cancer by telling him that was unacceptable since your 35th reunion was coming up. At the time I was aghast, but it surely turned out well, against all odds. Interestingly, I recently read in the NEJM that IL-2 was described as a cancer treatment in 1985 and was approved for Rx of metastatic renal cancer in 1992.


  2. Dave has _always_ reminded people of Furbies...
