Monday, April 15, 2013

Sadness in Boston

Thanks to so many friends and colleagues who have inquired about our well-being.  All is fine in our household except for a sense of overwhelming sadness for those killed and hurt by a mean and crazy person or persons, and for the loss of innocence and joy for what the Boston Marathon has been to this community.  We will never be able to stand along the race route in the future with the same sense of happiness. We will still go, of course, in solidarity and purpose--and to show that life goes on--but it will be different.


  1. I am very sorry that the special curse of our modern age has come to your city; while grateful that the institutions and people of our medical community there did their jobs well. Condolences to the people of Boston.

    nonlocal MD

  2. Indeed, Paul, it's a shocking, devastating day for our wonderful city. As someone commented on WBUR yesterday, however, we can be very thankful for the world-class medical care available close by to all affected. I'm less confident in our ability to treat the psychological trauma, which is surely being felt by countless thousands of witnesses and Bostonians alike. How can hospitals help to address this less visible - but arguably more prevalent - harm?

    This terrible event also raises the topic of disaster response in hospitals. Are there resources you might recommended, or wisdom from your experience as a CEO? How can we lead in times of terror and tragedy?

    My gracious thanks to the unquestionably heroic efforts of first responders, volunteers, hospital staff and informal caregivers who all showed their truest integrity yesterday. May our individuals, families, and city heal together.
