Monday, September 30, 2013

Cost Trends Hearings 2013

From the website of the MA Health Policy Commission:

The annual health care cost trends hearing is a public examination into the drivers of health care costs as well as the engagement of experts and witnesses to identify particular challenges and opportunities within the Commonwealth's health care system. Chapter 224 transferred the responsibility to conduct the hearing to the Commission, in coordination with the Office of the Attorney General and Center for Health Information and Analysis. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 2 at 9:00 AM at the University of Massachusetts Boston Campus Center. The hearing will provide a unique opportunity to evaluate evidence and assess the health care market’s response to the cost growth benchmark and quality, transparency and care delivery innovations required by Chapter 224.

Check out some of the pre-filed testimony to get a sense of what is happening in Massachusetts and how it's being spun by the various participants in the marketplace.