Monday, October 26, 2015

An example of superb medical training

I have made a serious commitment on this blog to promulgate the best in medical education, with a strong emphasis on programs that focus on clinical quality and safety improvement. It was with a delighted gasp of approval, therefore, that I read this recent bit of feedback posted on the residents' bulletin board of the anaesthesia department at a major academic medical center. This is truly superb pedagogy, well worth emulating in other training programs.

In case you are not familiar with Wu-Tang Clan, you can enhance your cultural competence by viewing this video.


  1. It is time to connect with your roots.

  2. Would James Taylor lyrics be ok? Would Wind Beneath My Wings would be more institutionally acceptable? I guess I'm wondering if it's the rapping part that makes it an area for improvement... We need to do a better job of challenging coded racism and not lifting it up as an example. Perhaps however, you simply meant the "strengths and improvements" practice, in which case however the need to link to Wu Tang video was unnecessary.

  3. Perhaps it was just meant to be funny. I think so.

  4. Geez, Nashira, it's a joke. Lighten up!

  5. Good grief I'm lost for words!!! I can't believe I listened to the whole stupid thing.
    Must be naive, or I don't have a good sense of humor, I didn't get what was funny and the only thing I ended up laughing about was that I listened to the "whole stupid thing" !!!! Now that's funny as hell, and a great joke :)
