Tuesday, April 17, 2007

No vacation for him

I ran into one of our primary care doctors last Friday. He said, "I'll see you a week from Monday. It's school vacation week [here in Boston -- hence a quiet time for his practice]. I'm off to New Orleans to work in a public health clinic. They still need lots of help there."


  1. Such help is always met with great appreciation! We have a substantial shortage of PCPs in New Orleans right now. Please pass along my gratitude to him as a New Orleans native and fellow health care professional.

  2. It's so great to hear that people from all around the country are willing to help in New Orleans. Although my family is still in New Orleans, I am in another part of the state finishing school- but every time I go home, I see how much work and help is still needed down there. I applaud that excellent physician who is willing to volunteer his vacation time in NO!!

  3. Altruism is clearly at the core, but the side benefit is the presence of sunshine and warmth.

    Where's global warming when you need it!
