Monday, May 21, 2007


Another email ad, in case it didn't come across your screen. Who writes these things?

Subject: Must have medications

Dear customer.

Do you shop for medications on the Web? You do? But do you know that 70% of Web-shoppers are regularly being sold fake medications? Protect yourself now choose a reliable online pharmacy.

CanadianPharmacy #1 Canadian discount Web pharmacy. Save a lot with CanadianPharmacy and its laughable prices for top-quality generic medications purchased straight from the manufacturer. The quality of the medications we sell is constantly monitored by FDA that's why it always stays indubitable.

CanadianPharmacy the easiest and the cheapest way to take care of your health.

Best regards,
Leila Rushing

By the way, check out this deal on the linked site:

Try our SPECIAL ERECTION PACK! Two best ED medications in one super pack. Lowest price and FREE shipping. Time limited offer - valid till 23rd of May only!

Better hurry. But wait, if you cut and paste this section of the ad, you find the following code hidden within. I guess the must-buy-by date keeps changing!

Try our SPECIAL ERECTION PACK! Two best ED medications in one super pack. Lowest price and FREE shipping. Time limited offer - valid till function nextday(d){months = newArray('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', 'January'); today=new Date();var day=today.getDate();var month=today.getMonth(); day+=d;if(day>30){day%=30;month++;} var prefix = ((day==1)(day==21))?'st': ((day==2)(day==22))?'nd': ((day==3)(day==23))?'rd': 'th'; return day + '-->'+ prefix + '' + ' of ' + months[month];}document. write(nextday(2)); 23-->rd of May only!


  1. Wow, nerdy cool on the code!! Amazing who comes up with these.

  2. I understand that some of those pills work for three days. . .

  3. This explains why Canadians are so laid back.

  4. ...why it always stays indubitable.

    I'm reminded of the Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  5. Amusing, but by including the links to their site, you may be improving their rankings in search engines.

    OR, the spammers now can say: As endorsed by BIDMC's CEO on his web site. :-)

  6. Can't wait till they follow the links back to mine!

  7. oh that last Levy comment was divine

  8. Oh Lordy! "Try our SPECIAL ERECTION PACK!" I can see you creeping up the Google search engine ranking now!

    Laughing loudly... I could say so many things unfit for print right now... and you think the other HMS CEO's are jealous? Just wait...

    Way to go! I wonder how this is going to wrap into your "Student Questions Day?"

  9. Tune in tomorrow . . .
