Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Chewbaca? Not!

Another timely piece in the Boston Globe by Monique Spencer.


  1. Dear Mr. Levy,

    One quick point. You blog needs it own search engine now to make it easier for your readers to find what they may be seeking.

    One quick question: Do you think it is advisable for hospital administrators to be advisors to a pharmaceutical company?

    Thank you.

  2. There is a search engine built in. See the empty box in the upper left hand corner.

    On your second point, it depends. There need to be very strict rules to prevent conflicts of interest.

  3. I have a comment on Katrineholm review's comment. I assume you are a blogger and I would like the link to your blog, but here's my comment. I have been astounded in recent weeks and months by several articles in medical journals and several of the healthcare blogs I read, concerning the extensive infiltration of the health care provider industry (e.g. physicians, hospital executives, hospitals, and researchers) by the pharmaceutical industry. It goes way beyond anything I ever comprehended before, even as a physician. So the term "advisor" raises a red flag to me; it's just a way to render the administrator beholden to the company. The provider is lured in by the seemingly sincere desire for "advice" by the company. Not so; beware!

  4. so, what is the responsibility of BIDMC, as an organization that cares about health and as a partner of the Red Sox, to try to improve the health behaviors of the managers, players and staff of the organization? Does BIDMC do anything in this area or do you just patch 'em up and send 'em back?

  5. As I have explained below, our sponsorship agreement with the Red Sox does not include care of the players. Of course, if they or any members of the staff choose to be seen by our primary care doctors, we offer the full range of advice and assistnce on wellness programs.

  6. Funny article about a revolting habit.

    Thanks for the pointer.

  7. sooooo..... I read that article in the Globe and wondered about the answer... does he or doesn't he??? And I was hoping you had the answer Paul.

  8. I know I'm get senile but I still must mention this anyway. The search box at the top left doesn't go deeply enough into the blog. I typed, for example, Katrineholm Review (no quotation marks) and nothing came up.) This is why I say it would be good to put in a search engine box that is specific to this blog so that it immediately takes one to a list for the blog. Sorry I was not as specific as I should have been. Ah, now I see the Technorati search box at the bottom. OK, I'm getting senile for sure. Sorry, I'll shut up.
