Monday, October 29, 2007

Inside Baseball

Congratulations to the Red Sox for their ALDS, ALCS, and World Series victories and to their opponents -- Anaheim, Cleveland, and Colorado -- for bringing us scrappy and well-played October baseball.

Here is the play-by-play of last night's game, as immortalized in text messages between me and one of our nurses. (Everybody at BIDMC will know which one!) Hers in plain text. Mine in italics. Simultaneous messages when on the same line.

Hate towels.
Me 2. I am w John Henry in box in Denver. Not!

U Kill me! Lets parade on Tuesday together.

(Ellsbury double in the first.)
Rookies Rule!

(First Boston run.) Woo hoo.
Mikey next. Watch him 2b or more I predict.
(He's out.)
Well nxt time.

(First Holliday out.) Happy Holliday. NOT.

(Scoops up difficult play at first.) Ortiz is red hot. Awesome Papi.

(Second Holliday out.) Not so happy Holliday.

How r those towels working?

(Strike outs.) Holey. Lester!

(Lowell double in the fifth) XO XO XO XO from me to Mikey. Told u so!


(Lowell slides into home.) Face first! Stunning slide.

Love him.

(Lester leaves the mound after 5 2/3 innings.)
Bravo Lester!
Tip of the hat if he was in Boston.

Canceled OR schedule 4 Tuesday . . . official holiday.

(Lowell home run in the seventh.) XO XO XO XO from me to Mikey. Mikey!

Colorado pitcher pulled after six innings.
Sad way 4 Cook 2 leave.

(DelCarmen succeeds with batter in the sixth.)
Delc snuffs him!
(Hits against DelCarmen) Pity.

Gagne warming up?!
I saw. I could cry.

(Timlin clutch strike out.) Timlin!
Love the hunter! Never want to mess with him!

I lov this.

(Kielty home run.) Kielty! Say Bobby!

Not happy Holliday.
Bad nite 4 him.

(Manny pulled to move Ellsbury to left field, Crisp to center. Scenes of Manny in the dugout.)
Manny's white doo rag a diss on white crying towels.

(Colorado home run -- Atkins in the eighth -- narrows the lead to one run.)
Poor Oki.
Big girls don't cry.

(Top of ninth.)
We could use a run or 2.
Don't worry b happy.

(Bottom of the ninth inning starts.) 1 2 3

(Ellsbury nabs Carroll ball at the wall for second out of the ninth.)
God is a sox fan.

(Final Pabelbon strike out.)

Love that dirty water.
Finally back 2 full nites' sleep.

Got 2 b at work at 5:30 ugh.
To bed after trophies.

I wish I was pres [of Red Sox Nation].
Next year.

Mikey as MVP!
MVP my man.


  1. Great stuff! Way to go Sox and Red Sox Nation! It was worth every sleepless minute of every game night - first the "staying up til 1:00am" and then the "replaying of the game in the head" until I drifted off to sleep. Oh and did I mention that I'm a BC alum, Tufts U football parent (tied for first in the NESCAC league) and Patriot's fan? So who needs sleep?
    By the way, I loved the ABC News picture of the BIDMC newborn babies dressed in their Sox garb - nice touch! My husband is having knee surgery at BIDMC in a few weeks - looking forward to visiting the hospital for the first time.

  2. LET'S GO RED SOX! love the txt convo. see - clinicians and administrators are on the same team...

  3. gee - envious of your being there... fun to read blog, per usual..
    Now, how can you use your mega-influence to persuade Sox to keep Lowell and Schilling?
    FYI - I found site of petition to keep lowell that your readers might like to sign:

  4. A friend of mine made a great joke about the towels. He started calling them 'little sheets' and the people tossing them around "little sheet heads". Heh.

    Great game. I'm so freaking tired.

    I just want the Sox management to know that we DO NOT WANT A-Rod. And we want to keep Lowell and Shilling.

    See you at the parade.

  5. can we shut down the medical center (OK to have ED open) tomorrow pm so I can go to the parade?

    Dr. Sox Fan

  6. Congrats, you lucky creeps. I had to watch my Redskins be annihilated by the Patriots 52-7. As Boston used to say, maybe next year.

  7. How is it that you could not pull some strings to have a special parade stop at the medical center tomorrow!?! At least a jumbotron in each of the cafeterias tomorrow would help a little! :) Please think of the employees who have to work and cannot attend, Paul! (I bought all those raffle tickets too!) I'm crying just thinking about it.....

  8. Paul, was that you pictured in the Globe last week at Fenway Park? The picture was of Curt Schilling leaving the game and going into the dugout and it looked like you in the crowd behind him. If it wasn't you, be careful, you may have an evil twin.....
