You might even preface with a note that wine has always been tied to health and medicine. Researchers may change their minds every day about whether red wine will lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, increase longevity, raise IQ scores or do the reverse, but the simple truth is that wine makes people happy, which is a key part of being healthy. You might further tell your readers that a case of my Zebra Wines (to be released in 2008) will make them exceedingly happy, and therefore at peak health.
Maybe we should start handing out a glass of wine to each in-patient every night. Might make the patients and staff a little happier and lead to quicker recoveries!
Hi Paul. Just wanted to say you are doing a fantastic job with this blog.
In fact, you inspired my latest post on my own blog, which you can view here.
Hope you will enjoy. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Lisa.
And, Betsy, I am checking that out with our Health Care Quality staff. No reply yet . ..
I am glad to see this post. Your daughter is absolutely right; the wine always makes and made people happy. I am from a country where people love wine and where the wine labeled “Vinum Regum, Rex Vinorum” ("Wine of Kings, King of Wines") is from. This wine has a huge history making famous people happy. Louis XV of France entitled this vine with this label when offered a glass of it to Madame de Pompadour. Emperor Franz Josef also sent Queen Victoria a gift of this wine every year on her birthday. So the simple truth was always true.
I am jealous as I would love my two gals to do the same (but, at 5 and 10, they are a tad small to be vintners). My first company was a firm importing specialty wines, so if Petite Sarah is making her wines abroad, perhaps I can provide some useful advice. I have remained very much in contact with the too often shady world of shippers. Jim
Hi Jim,
Thanks! I'm sticking to the domestic market for now, but I'll be sure to come to you for advice once we're big enough to export (or when I decide to move the operation to France - oh la la).
I hope your daughters find careers and hobbies that they love as much as we do.
I've heard that the way to make a small fortune is to start with a big fortune and buy a vineyard...
That said, all the best with Zebra Wines. (I'm still patiently waiting for the IRS to give a tax deduction for a case of wine; classifed as a qualified medical expense, of course.)
P.S. I visited the northern Rhone and am sure Sarah knows the bliss of Valrhona and syrah.
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