Mystery and the poignance of change are themes of my “Night Falls” paintings. The light of day moving into night brings change to the look of the land and opens channels into my heart and mind.
The “Night Falls” paintings are imaginary, however, they were influenced by my trip to Mulranney, a remote West Irish village. Eerie extended twilights, a result of Mulranney’s geographic position, give the evenings a magical quality. Visually exciting, evocative contrasts abound, rapidly changing weather and light on fields that look both lush and oddly barren. These paintings are reflections of my inner world as well as Irish landscape.
The medium is acrylic paint on prepared masonite panel. I create a gestural, monochromatic underpainting by manipulating paint with both additive and subtractive techniques. The image is developed by additional layers of transparent color.
Deborah Kravitz 2007
Deborah Kravitz 2007
Nice to see the diversity in your blog Paul. Not what I would've expected, very refreshing to take a moment and let one's brain work on something relaxing. In any event your Deborah is quite skilled. What a wonderful piece. Wish I could obtain art work like this. If you don't have this hanging up in your hospital you should.
What a wonderful painting. Is Deborah having an exhibition of her work anytime soon?
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