Friday, May 02, 2008

Blackberry jam

Well over a year ago, I wrote about going cold turkey on my Blackberry. I didn't realize I was a trend-setter. Here's a lead from a story by Jackie Noblett in the Boston Business Journal entitled, "Blackberry Backlash: Reader poll reflects growing discontent with overuse":

There is a budding movement to squish the BlackBerry. Fed up with the constant tip-tapping and impromptu interruptions in staff meetings and conferences, the local business community is lashing back against the device, known in some circles as the "CrackBerry" due to its addictive powers. Some Boston executives have gone so far as banning them outright.


  1. Hooray. To those not on the withdrawal plan: It is incredibly disrespectful to have conversations interrupted, presentations ignored, and attention diverted in the course of important matters due to these devices. I'm a busy person too, but I'm not trying to run data, write up results or check in with colleagues during an otherwise dedicated meeting. Otherwise, let's meet by phone so I don't have to watch you ignore me.

  2. But I bet they like the blackberry just fine when they want to contact an employee during a long weekend.

  3. Isn't the problem the behavior of the operator of the device, not the device itself? As with other technologies, the Blackberry is just a tool (which I find very useful). While the technology provides temptation to multi-task, it's up to each of us to use it appropriately and treat those around us with respect. I feel like I'm stating the obvious.

  4. Good for you, Paul, I had missed that you went cold turkey. I can't get over the rudeness of important people sitting right up on the podium and Blackberrying through presentations, or the sadness of people who step onto the elevator at the end of the day while reading their Blackberry. Hello, weren't you just at your desk?
