Early morning views of local mushrooms after my bike ride today. It's been hot and humid here, accounting for the little ones in the grass, but the big one (that's my size 13 shoe next to it) grows out of the same tree root every year, accompanied by three others of the same size. I am sure that our CIO-mycologist, John Halamka, who also has a relevant post today, can identify them. Right, John?
The first mushroom is Russula Emetica. You might recognize the english word "emetic" in the species name, which means to induce vomiting. A non-toxic mushroom with really unpleasant effects.
The second is a polypore known as Turkey tail. Some cultures chew it like gum to strengthen the immune system. Having tasted it, I can tell you that Wrigley's has nothing to worry about!
Ok, John, you did really well on those. Here are some more, taken by Eric in Redhook, NY: http://gallery.mac.com/ebuehrens#100008&bgcolor=black&view=grid.
Ok, you asked:
241 - Suillus Brevipes - also known as a "Poor man's peaches". Edible, but not incredible
244 - Amanita Muscaria - a psychoactive mushroom, popular with the Timothy Leary crowd. Causes vomiting and coma. To be avoided.
245 + 246 - Lactarius Fragilis - edible. I make cookies from it, which have a slight maple flavor
247 Strobilomyces floccopus - The Old Man of the Woods. Edible. Tastes like eating a toupee.
248-250 - Ramaria - Golden Coral mushroom. Causes diarrhea
251-254 - Russula Emetica - causes vomiting
257-258 - Amanita Pantherina - causes delirium
259 - Lactarius Delicioso - Edible but not Delicious
260 - A bolete of some type - likely edible
261-263 - A secondarily infected, old mushroom - hard to tell what it is
265 - Craterellus cornucopioides - the Black Chanterelle - I had these for dinner last night. They're great stir fried with rice
266 Amanita Vaginata - edible, but I would not take the risk, since Amanita species can kill you
268 Armillaria ponderosa- An American variant of Matsutake, tastes like a cross between red hot candies and sweat socks
I am really impressed! If only I had this gentleman with me when my dog decided to eat a random mushroom at the park last weekend! (He didn't seem to get sick.)
My whole yard appears to be poisonous. Since I have never seen these species before, any idea why they are now growing in New England?
I want to have dinner at John's house-- but this is a great second!
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