Friday, December 19, 2008

"Carefully tend to those kinds of moments"

There is a weekly segment on NPR called “Story Corps”. Today’s recording made me think of what great people work in hospitals.

1 comment:

  1. In a recent stay at BIDMC, there was a woman who brought Communion. I can't remember her name, but it truly felt like an angel came into my room. There was a calling in her that you just don't see too often. She was warmly comforting with just a few words. I hope she knows what a gift she gave me.
    Usually, I check off all of the religion boxes on the admission form -- :) just in case. Now I would say everyone should check off "Catholic" just to have a visit from this woman.
    If I dreamt her up, please don't tell me. If you find her, tell her Thanks.
