Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blog Rally for Roxana Saberi and others

Thanks to T at Notes of an Anesthesioboist for getting this going. A group of bloggers is holding a blog rally in support of Roxana Saberi, who is spending her birthday on a hunger strike in Tehran's Evin Prison, where she has been incarcerated for espionage. According to NPR, "The Iranian Political Prisoners Association lists hundreds of people whose names you would be even less likely to recognize: students, bloggers, dissidents, and others who, in a society that lacks a free press, dare to practice free expression."

Hearing reports like these has prompted us to do a ribbon campaign. Blue for blogging.

Please consider placing a blue ribbon on your blog or website this week in honor of the journalists, bloggers, students, and writers who are imprisoned in Evin Prison, nicknamed "Evin University," and other prisons around the world, for speaking and writing down their thoughts. Also, please ask others to join our blog rally.


  1. RT Support Roxana Saberi 2day on her 32nd Bday. Use profile pic; fb:

  2. about doctors and hosptials

    about roxana

    i like the blue ribbon idea... i will use it...maybe i can think of some of symbol
