Thursday, April 02, 2009

Peter Alexander tells BIDMC's and Rebecca's story

I recently had a chance to meet Peter Alexander, from NBC News. He filmed the following segment about our hospital, which was broadcast tonight. You see him above visiting some of the nurses in our NICU.

But, here's an even more impressive story done by Peter about his sister, who is losing both her sight and her hearing as a result of a rare neurological disorder.


  1. I was so proud of us when I saw this on the news tonight!

  2. We're so grateful to you at BIDMC for caring about each other and the community!

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  4. I want to tell you how much I appreciated the care that I received from all of the folks who attended to me while I was recovering from my surgery. This is most true of the 'low-level' employees. The folks who helped me wash, brought me my meals and took me for my x-rays were all professional and courteous. For this reason alone, I am so glad to hear of the efforts all of the BU employees to ensure that everyone can keep their jobs.

  5. two thumbs up for BIDMC .. and NBC too, hope these stories can inspires more American

  6. I'm in the hospital about 90 days a year (not yours), it will be interesting to read about it from your perspective...

    Thanks for blogging about it!


  7. I am so proud to be part of such a wonderful organization! Thanks

  8. Good posting in this blog, I more like this!
