Monday, October 12, 2009

On the day of judgment . . .

We've just returned from a jaunt to Italy's Amalfi Coast, a celebration with friends of one of those special birthdays of my wife. Here's a typical coastal scene along with a plaque near the main piazza in the town of Amalfi. Take a moment to figure out the translation, and you'll get a sense of the place and why it has been a tourist destination for several centuries.

And below, why you never gain weight even though you eat very well.


  1. You did this for your wife's BIRTHDAY??

    HRMPH! Nobody took ME to Italy for MY thirtieth.

  2. aren't you a good guy! hope you all had a wonderful time.

  3. As a visitor to the Amalfi Coast, that quotation is very true (and clever) and this posting summons feelings of nostalgia! The history, people, and sheer beauty of that land make it a true paradise. I'm glad you appreciate it too, Paul.

    -BI Intern

  4. Good for you, Paul! Although we missed you very much, I am so glad you took time off from your busy life to celebrate your wife's birthday at such a beautiful place!!
