Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Request for links

It has been a long time since I have updated the links I post on this blog. Yes, over there ----> on the right.

If you know of any, including your own, that would be of general interest to readers here, please let me know. I am particularly interested in expanding the category of patient-centered blogs.


  1. Hi, Paul. I began reading your blog immediately after watching the IHI Open School module outlining an error at BIDMC. I cannot recall missing a post since. After graduation, I accepted a position as the Membership and Communications Coordinator at The Leapfrog Group. We have a blog and facebook page that could fit nicely in your links. http://leapfroggroup.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Leapfrog-Group/108795457620?ref=ts
    Kris Corwin

  2. I’ve been reading your blog for years and used it as inspiration when creating and curating the blog for my company. Our blog- www.engagingthepatient.com - is a forum for discussion on patient engagement. We feature guest writers, like your friend e-Patient Dave DeBronkart, who blog about the ways they approach the patient experience and patient-centered care. Our guest bloggers are academics, entrepreneurs, patients, clinicians and hospital executives. Between guest posts, we write about patient engagement news—linking our readers to sites like yours that provide interesting takes on patient engagement.

  3. You might like our blog that focuses on helping patients navigate health care, find great providers and provides other tips such as how patients can get involved to improve care:


    Also of possible interest is our healthcare provider search and ratings tool: www.WhereToFindCare.com

    All the best and I enjoy reading your blog!

    Barbara O'Connell

  4. Paul - I enjoy your blog. I especially liked the "Moving Lots of Babies" post. The video was great.

    We blog about health care emergency preparedness topics at: http://blog.liveprocess.com.

    Diane Garey

  5. I have been reading your blog for about a year and I have two suggestions that your readers might enjoy. One is the well known NYT blog "The New Old Age" which covers topics of interest to boomers and their aging parents. My second suggestion is http://braintoday.blogspot.com which interprets daily news items in the alzheimer's and dementia space. I write this second blog as it it pertinent to my business, and I am frankly aghast at the misleading nature of the news stories in this area. I try to add clarity to the meaning of new scientific advances, the importance of preventative steps to reduce risks, and the overall state of care for those facing medical conditions that impair memory.

  6. You might consider adding GeriPal, a geriatrics and palliative care blog at www.GeriPal.org. GeriPal includes stories of physicians, nurses, and social workers who care for frail, complex, and vulnerable older adults. I'm a graduate of BIDMC's General Medicine Fellowship run by Russ Phillips, and the blogs co-founder. Another of our frequent contributors, Ken Covinsky, is a graduate of the same program. We enjoy your blog! Thanks for considering.
    -Alex Smith

  7. Hi, Paul.

    I have a nurse blog, Nursetopia, that I'd love to link with your blog.


    Thanks for the offer! ~Joni

  8. Okay, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I blog on smoking topics. I am a respiratory therapist who tries to find interesting studies/topics and blog about them so the general public can understand them. I also have a cessation website that is also literature based, complete with scientific references.

    The blog is http://unbiasedstopsmokinginformation.blogspot.com and the website is http://www.stopsmokinghelper.org

    Your consideration much appreciated.

  9. Thanks to all. I have linked to all those mentioned above.

    Others are still welcome.

  10. Hi Paul,
    Thanks for opening your (excellent!) blog for link requests. I'm an oncologist who's had breast cancer and who teaches at Cornell. My blog is Medical Lessons:


    It's about about how patients and doctors learn, communicate and make decisions related to health.


  11. I'm catching up after a week of travel. If you think it would be of value to your readers, feel free to share our blog at http://blog.krames.com

    Thanks for asking and thanks for continuing to share,

    Bob Abrahamson
    Vice President, Marketing
    Krames Patient Education

  12. Tim the Respiratory TherapistAugust 02, 2010 10:57 AM

    I found this website. It looks like a very, very comprehensive caregiver website with useful information and content.


  13. Paul:

    The Brain Today is a great Alzheimer's site. Here's a blog that provides Alzheimer's caregiver tips and links to other great resources for patients/caregivers:

  14. Hi Paul. Press Ganey Associates has a company blog called Improving Health Care, accessible at http://ceoblog.pressganey.com/.Our experts on patient, employee and physician satisfaction, as well as clinical care quality, provide improvement advice and commentary.

    This is something that could work well under patient-centered care, as that is what Press Ganey is focused on.


    Todd Sloane

  15. I am currently writing ThenEverythingChanged.com. The focus is on the immediate need-to-know skills when a life-exploding diagnosis hits your family.

    I would be beside myself with glee if you included it in your next blogroll update.

    Heather Slutzky
