Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Unseen Sea

A friend from the Bay Area sent a link from NPR containing this video. I found the second half particularly engaging, as the fog laps up against the hills like the ocean against the shore. Here's an excerpt from the link:

Simon Christen lives in Oakland and has been pointing his camera across the bay at San Francisco for the past year, taking time-lapse photos of the city. "About halfway through the project, the fog became the main subject," he writes in an e-mail, "and I tried to find locations to highlight it."

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.


  1. Wow. What a beautiful video to start my day. Thanks!

  2. simply amazing and downright gorgeous. It might be the most persuasive video to move to the SF bay area ever posted.

  3. I especially liked the treat at the end - the "moonset." Thanks.

  4. I live in the Bay Area and sometimes need to be reminded of all the natural beauty, in slow motion, happening right here. Thanks for this, Paul! ... JD

  5. A piece of heaven on earth. Makes me homesick watching the video so very well done.... Shiraz

  6. From Facebook:

    Who knew that fog could be so beautiful?

  7. Very nice. We lived up in the hills our first year after moving here and were quite taken by how you could see fog move through the Golden Gate. It's the key to moderating the climate here that makes it so pleasant summer and winter.
