Tuesday, November 01, 2011

l'equip petit

Of all the football (i.e., soccer) videos I have seen, this is the most inspiring.  It captures the beauty of the game through the eyes of the young players from a team in Spain.  It provides intense validation for those of us who coach youth teams.

If you can't see the video, click here.

l'equip petit from el cangrejo on Vimeo.


  1. That was really good. Thank you for posting it. I liked, "I will score a goal when I grow old." Either that was loosely translated, or that kid has an amazing sense of humor!

  2. God I love this!!

    They should show it to everyone who is about to be a coach for kids...really.

  3. Great clip Paul!! As a player, coach and especially goalie I loved it. Got to hand it to those kids to have such a great attitude. I have given up a few goals in my day but their goalie made me smile. Thanks and hope all is well!

  4. This is fantastic. I have a crazy day today and am so glad I took the time to watch this. Thanks so much for finding and sharing this inspiring and very sweet treat.

  5. My daughter will no doubt point out that it is the girl on the team who recognizes that they need to pass more! She ranks the boys in her class by their willingness to pass to a girl.

  6. In Catalonia we have big teams like Barça and little teams like Margatania. The values are the same, and it is very illustrative of our people. A very good video to understand sport in Catalonia and why we have so many good players in different sports. A good example of what fair play means.

    Gemma from Barcelona (Catalonia)

  7. An answer to Paula about the translation, in Catalan this kid doesn't say "when I grow old", he says, "next year we´ll score goals". i don't know why they changed the translation.
    The players speak in Catalan and the one of the coaches in Spanish, I understand there are two coaches. One who speaks called Carlos and the other who is with the kids on the picture and says some remark too.
    Gemma (Barcelona, Catalonia)
