Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Appropriate action" from Mt. Ida students and administration

The students of Mt. Ida College, about whom I have written twice before, persist in their habit of littering our fair city as they wait for the shuttle bus to take them to campus.  Here's the scenario:  They arrive at our village center by trolley or bus in plenty of time for their shuttle bus and go to Dunkin Donuts for a take-out cup of coffee.  Their shuttle bus arrives at the assigned parking lot, and the students leave their cups on the sidewalk.  As I picked up and threw the cups away today in the very convenient trash collector (something that is now part of my regular routine),  I noticed that many were partially full.  I am guessing the shuttle bus has a sign saying "no food or drinks permitted" -- probably to avoid littering inside the vehicle.

That these are very clever students is clear.  Look how thoughtfully this cup was balanced on the top of the steel pipe holding one of the parking lot signs.  There is time enough to do that but not to take five steps to dispose of the cup in the trash bin nearby.

I wrote to the Mt. Ida administration about this back in October and received the following note from the vice president for student affairs:

President Carluccio forwarded your blog and email to me. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention as we take being a good neighbor seriously. We will look further into this and take appropriate action. 


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