Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy holidays!

My friend Lisa Popick Coll offers this version of a Thanksgivukkiah on Facebook.

Reportedly the two holidays will not coincide for another 70,000 years.  More or less. The explanation:

The overlap this year is because according to the Jewish calendar, this is a leap year, meaning that an entire extra month is added to the calendar. Because of that, most major Jewish holidays moved up by nearly a month. Couple that with the extremely late date of Thanksgiving in 2013, and you've got a convergence of holidays that comes once in many, many generations.

1 comment:

  1. My jewish friend's family insisted they have the Chanukah feast tonight and Thanksgiving dinner Thursday; all at her house, of course. I told her she was a sucker. (: Happy Holidays to you also.

