Monday, December 15, 2014

Getting the skinny on skin conditions

I usually get nervous when something seems too good to be true, but every now and then the spark of human goodness comes through. Unless I am missing something, here's an example, sent to me on Twitter by Dr. Howard Green, @DermHag, a dermatologist in West Palm Beach.

He wrote:

Here's a first look at Skinstamatic a ground breaking mobile collective sourced medical search app.

Curious, I followed up with Howard:

Very interesting. So the consult is free? Do users get some kind of priority for appts? Often hard to get one.

He replied:

Free. No priority just recognition of Skinstamatic user at this time although identified photobook is available to be viewed by Dr.

All in all, this looks like a generous use of social media capabilities from members of the profession.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating. Harder and harder to get an appointment with a specialist - dermatologists are among the most difficult to see. This is quite useful...kudos to the convergence of health and technology...
